Monday, August 6, 2012

2012 Graduate School Retreat

Conference information and registration is now available for the WAEOPP annual McNair and SSS Retreat at the Chula Vista Resort in the Wisconsin Dells, WI!  Dates for the Retreat are Friday evening, September 28 through Saturday, September 29.  
Don Asher, the nationally recognized authority on the graduate school admissions process, will be conducting the retreat.  The two-day intensive seminar is designed to jump start McNair and Student Support Services students’ graduate school application process.  All McNair and SSS students are invited to participate in the retreat.    
Registration is $170.00 per person.  The fee includes all of the meals and materials during the retreat.  The conference agenda and registration form are attached.  The materials will be available on the WAEOPP website in the very near future.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact: Nancy Harrison, Registration Chair, Student Support Services, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.  
The conference committee hopes to see you and your students at Chula Vista in September!
Nancy Harrison
Director, Student Support Services (SSS)
          A TRiO Program
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
phone:  920-424-1310

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Undergraduate Research Presentations

Undergraduate Research Presentations

The Marian University community is invited to the spring 2012 McNair Research Presentations.

These presentations will take place from April 24th to April 26th at the Stayer Center in room T-217/218.
Active Dry Yeast Enumeration Method Comparison
Presented by Steve Rumbuc, Senior, Biology
Tuesday, April 24 • 11:30 a.m.
Mentor: Shannon Losing – Microbiologist (Lallemand Animal Nutrition)

Examination of Diurnal Variation at Non-Sewage
Impacted Beaches via qPCR and Culture Based Methods
Presented by Dennis Mudd, Junior, Biology & Chemistry
Wednesday, April 25 • 9:00 a.m.
Mentor: Julie L. Kinzelman, PhD, MT (ASCP) – Research Scientist(City of Racine Health Department/Laboratory)

Veteran Reintegration: From Soldier to Student
Presented by Theresa Goeller, Senior, Psychology & Theology
Wednesday, April 25 • 10:00 a.m.
Mentor: Janet McCord, Ph.D. Director of Thanatology (Marian University)

Empirically Validating the Spatial Relationship
Between an Offender’s Residence and the Burglarized Location
Presented by Cody Ullsperger, Senior, Criminal Justice
Wednesday, April 25 • 2:00 p.m.
Mentor: Richard Lemke, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor of Criminology (University of West Georgia )

Challenges Faced by Undocumented Students
in their Pursuit of Educational or Career Goals
Presented by Nancy Garcia, Senior, Criminal Justice
Thursday, April 26 • 1:00 p.m.
Mentor: Shane Boeder, Ph.D. – Associate Professor of Foreign Language (Marian University)

Enumeration and Identification of
Salmonella in a Meat Packaging Process
Presented by Randy Schoenborn, Senior, Biology
Thursday, April 26 • 1:30 p.m.
Mentors: Shannon Losing – Microbiologist (Lallemand Animal Nutrition)
Susan Bornstein-Forst, Ph.D. – Professor of Biology (Marian University)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Carlos Palencia

University at Buffalo - McNair Undergraduate Research Conference

Hello All!
We are pleased to invite you to the University at Buffalo’s 18th Annual McNair Undergraduate Research Conference & 8th Annual Graduate School Visit – July 19-21, 2012 to be held in beautiful Niagara Falls, NY!

Some of our Featured Speakers Include:

Dr. Freeman Hrabowski, III (President, University of Maryland, Baltimore Country)

Dr. Laura Painton Swiler (Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification Department at Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico)

             Mr. Marco Midon (Acting NASA Stations Manager for the Near Earth Network Project)

             Stephanie Cole, Esq. (General Counsel, Niagara University)Near Earth Network Project g NASA Stations Manager for the Near Earth Network Project

This conference will again be offering: inspiring speakers; workshops; oral and poster presentations; a Graduate School Opportunities Fair; a Graduate School Visit to the University at Buffalo Campuses (including the new Downtown Campus/Medical Corridor); the popular Maid of the Mist Boat Tour; an excursion to the Niagara Fashion Outlets; a Meet and Greet Event for the students; and much more!  Prizes, for students, are awarded throughout the Conference!!

There is no increase in the early bird registration fee of $310 which applies to paid registrations received by May 1, 2012. A general registration fee of $350 applies to paid registrations received between May 2 and June 30; and a late fee of $390.00 if paid registration is received after June 30, 2012.   

As always, it is our intent that your scholars will leave motivated and invigorated by a rich conference atmosphere.  Student presenters and non-presenters are welcome to attend this conference for inspiration, education, networking, and cultural enrichment!

Everyone interested in attending the Conference should visit our website at Then, please complete and submit your online registration form before June 30, 2012. 

Students presenting research as an oral or poster presentation must also complete the online proposal form, which includes a 100-word presentation abstract submission, by June 30, 2012.  Presentation information and the proposal form can be found at

We are also pleased to offer the 8th Annual University at Buffalo Graduate School Visit.  This graduate school visit is FREE and is offered to introduce your students to the University at Buffalo’s magnificent faculty, research and campus environments.  The deadline for registering online for this event is also June 30, 2012.  Please see the “Graduate School Visit” link on the Conference website or visit us at .

The summer is a very popular time for tourism in this area, so we encourage you to register for the Conference soon and “lock in” your hotel accommodations while our block of rooms are still being held at the Sheraton At The Falls.

We look forward to welcoming you and your students to our Conference this summer!!

If I can answer any questions or assist you in any way, please feel free to contact me directly.

Susan J. Ott, Ph.D.
Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program
220 Norton Hall
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, New York 14260-1800
Phone: 716-645-5478
Fax: 716-645-5480

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

UNC Charlotte REU Program

Dear McNair Community,

I am pleased to announce that the Chemistry Department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte has received notification from the National Science Foundation that our REU site grant has been recommended for funding.  Therefore, we are currently recruiting a cohort of students for the Summer 2012 NanoSURE Program.  We are particularly interested in having your students who intend to pursue graduate degrees in fields related to Nanoscale Science apply to our program.  Please see the attached flyer and provide this information about our program to any qualified students.  The on-line application for the NanoSURE Program is available here: The application deadline is March 15, 2012.

Thank you for your support,
Banita Brown, co-Director of the NanoSURE Program

Banita W. Brown, Ph.D. | Associate Dean for Student Services
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | Associate Professor of Chemistry
UNC Charlotte | Fretwell 430
9201 University City Blvd. | Charlotte, NC 28223
Phone: 704-687-4843 | Fax: 704-687-3228 |
Interested in techniques for Urban Agriculture?  Growing Power in Milwaukee is a very innovative organization that has been working on techniques for growing food in urban environments.  It was founded by Will Allen, who has received nationwide attention for promoting the “Good Food Revolution” and working to provide nourishing food in urban “food deserts”.

There is extra room to join the BIO 104 Environmental Science class on a field trip from 12:45-5:00 on Thursday, March 22nd.  There is no charge for Marian students to join us, for non-Marian students there will be a $10 charge.

 If interested, contact Prof. John Morris at jmorris@mar​ or 920-923-7140 before the end of the day on Monday, March 12 so that we can reserve the correct size bus. 

John Morris
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
School of Math and Natural Sciences
Marian University
45 S. National Avenue
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
1-800-2-MARIAN ext 7140
(920) 923-7140
(920) 602-4797 (cell)

Operation Etank: Moving toward a Sustainable World - Summer Research

Hello Everyone!

Operation ETank is Northern Illinois University’s new summer Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) program.  Selected undergraduate students will work with premier researchers on projects that examine specific issues related to the environment, energy, economy, and ethics with the larger goal to link these issues to sustainability. 

The eight week summer program on the NIU campus runs from June 18 through August 10.  High achieving university and community college students (with a minimum of 60 hours of college credit earned) should apply!  Assistantships and housing are provided to student participants. 

Those interested should go to NIUs website ( to obtain more information and fill out an application.  The application deadline is Friday, March 16, 2012…so hurry!  If you have questions regarding NIUs REU, please contact Dave Changnon at

Julia Spears, Ph.D.
Office of Student Engagement and Experiential Learning
Northern Illinois University

Monday, March 5, 2012

UC Santa Barbara Summer Research Opportunity

Hello Faculty Members, Administrators, and Scholars,
I want to inform you of the Academic Research Consortium Summer Program (2012) at the University of California, Santa Barbara. ARC Program provides mentored research experiences in all disciplines to undergraduates at the junior level with the potential to succeed in graduate study, but who have experienced situations or conditions that have adversely impacted their advancement in their field of study. The program targets talented and motivated students who can benefit from additional encouragement and academic support and gives priority consideration to students who have participated in UCSB Graduate Preview Days as well as California community college transfer students who are in their first year at UC Santa Barbara.

Once chosen as an ARC Scholar, the student embarks upon an 8-week summer program of research and graduate school preparation guided by UC Santa Barbara’s Graduate Division staff, faculty, and graduate student mentors.  Scholars are provided with an excellent opportunity to explore their discipline, experience research, and improve their opportunities for future study in their chosen field.  Scholars are matched individually with UCSB faculty and graduate student mentors who provide training and support. 

ARC Scholars will receive the following:

  • An 8-week Summer research experience at UC Santa Barbara
  • (June 18, 2012 - August 10, 2012 or June 25, 2012 – August 17, 2012)
  • $3500 stipend
  • Housing: UC Santa Barbara students receive a $1000 housing stipend; non-UCSB students are accommodated in University Housing
  • Weekly academic enrichment and professional development workshops
  • Participation in end-of-summer symposium to present research work
  • Preparation for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
Please note that space is limited so we should receive applications no later than March 30, 2012, for priority consideration.

For more information, please visit  and click on the “Academic Research Consortium Summer Program” tab or contact Walter Boggan, Director of Admissions and Outreach via email at  

Thanks in advance,
Walter Boggan

Walter Boggan
Director, Admissions and Outreach
Graduate Division
UC Santa Barbara

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Marian University TRiO Programs: Special Events Happening February 21-23. Please read below for dates and times!

TRiO: Leading You to Higher Grounds with Your Education
Sponsors: Student Support Services and McNair Scholars Program

Promotion Booths

Purpose: Promoting services offered by TRiO Programs at Marian University

Date: Tuesday to Thursday, February 21-23

Time:  11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Locations:  Breezeway, Stayer Atrium, HSC Hallway North

Target Audience: Marian University students

Panel Discussion

Topic:TRiO and Its Impacts on My Life”

Purpose: Sharing experiences as TRiO participants; answering questions about TRiO

Panelists: Jarett Fields, Karen Aschenbrenner, Gina Anderson, Melissa Toeller, Ashley Schmitz, Jamy Xiong.

Date: Wednesday, February 22

Time:  12:15 p.m. – 1:10 p.m.

Location:  Sodexo Dining Room

Target Audience: Marian University students, faculty, and staff

Closing Session

Topic: “Making the Most of the Services Provided by TRiO”

Purpose: Raising awareness on the benefits of TRiO programs to Marian University students

Speaker:  Nichlos Ewoldt, Assistant Dean, College of Letters and Science, UW-Madison

Date: Thursday, February 23rd

Time:  6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Location:  Arthur H. Sadoff Auditorium, Stayer Center

Target Audience: Marian University students, faculty, and staff

National TRiO Day is a day of celebration, reflection and action around increased access to higher education for talented young people and adults aspiring to improve their lives. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

REU at the University of North Texas

National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at the University of North Texas
Civil Conflict Management and Peace Science
June 4 to July 27, 2012
Application due March 30, 2012
Program Information
The aim of this program is to provide research experiences for undergraduate students from all majors with an introduction to research in the broad area of civil conflict management and peace science. The program is headquartered at the Department of Political Science at UNT, a nationally and internationally recognized center for conflict management studies and peace science. It is home to the only Peace Science degree program in the Southwestern United States. The team of REU investigators represents a group of top researchers in political science and international relations who are undertaking cutting edge research on civil wars, terrorism, and other forms of civil conflict and peace building.

This eight week, in-residence program at the UNT campus in Denton, Texas, includes workshops on theory building and computer simulations, research design and analysis, and graduate school preparation. Further the program includes opportunities to present participant research results at local and national conferences.

The projects below represent a sample (not an exhaustive list) of potential projects that students might pursue that are related to current research projects being conducted by senior faculty in the Department of Political Science at the University of North Texas. These include (but are not limited to):
A. External Intervention and Conflict Management. What are the effects of externally imposed regime change? Is it possible to predict the success or failure of externally imposed democracies, and their ability to avoid civil and interstate conflict?
B. Foreign Aid and Political Stability in Post-Conflict Societies. What is the relationship between development aid and the emergence of democracy in post-conflict societies?
C. Sources of Ethnic Conflict. What causes ethnic conflict? What are the economic, social, or demographic causes of conflict? Can political institutions be employed to manage ethnic conflict?
D. Sustaining the Peace after Civil War. What are the factors that explain the durability of peace after the end of a civil war?
E. Environmental Degradation and Civil Conflict. What is the relationship between environmental change and civil conflict? Is environmental degradation associated with conflict?

Application Information

This opportunity is available to sophomore, Junior, and senior undergraduate students from all majors. REU Fellowships will be awarded to qualified students on a competitive basis. Each Fellowship will include a $4,000 stipend as well as support for room and board and travel for conference presentation. Undergraduate student participants supported with NSF funds in either REU Supplements or REU Sites must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions (for additional eligibility requirements see eligible students. Please note that undergraduate students who have graduated before June 20, 2012 are not eligible to participate (i.e. you must be an undergraduate student at the time of participation in the program). Students from groups underrepresented in higher education and/or from first generation college and low income backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply. To be considered, applicants should complete the application and provide supporting materials available at the link ( Letters of recommendation should also be uploaded at this site.   APPLICATION DUE DATE March 30, 2012

To complete the application you will need to do the following:

  •   Completed application
  •    Research statement – 500 words
  •    Two letters of recommendation from faculty members
  •   Unofficial copies of transcripts from all institutions of higher education attended

Please upload completed application and materials no later than March 30, 2012 at the following site:

Note: for a definition of underrepresented see p. 3; First generation is defined as neither parent or guardian, having received a baccalaureate degree; for low income guidelines see

If you have any questions email the director Dr. John Ishiyama Ph.D:
Professor of Political Science
Director, NSF REU program on Conflict Management and Peace Science
Editor-in-chief, Journal of Political Science Education
Lead Editor, American Political Science Review  (beginning July 2012)
Department of Political Science,
University of North Texas,
Denton TX, 76203-5340

University of Puerto Rico at Humacao

Please join us in our 7th McNair Symposium to be celebrated from April 25-27, 2012 at the Old San Juan Sheraton Hotel. For further questions/Information write to:

Maritza Reyes-Laborde, Ed. D.
McNair Scholars Program
University of Puerto Rico at Humacao
CUH Station
Humacao, Puerto Rico 00791-4300
Telephone (787) 850-0000 (ext. 9633) (787) 850-9420

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

University at Buffalo McNair Undergraduate Research Conference

Greetings McNair and TRiO Colleagues,

It is with great enthusiasm that I announce the official dates for our upcoming 18th Annual University at Buffalo McNair Undergraduate Research Conference. This year, the conference will be held July 19-21, 2012 at the Conference Center Niagara Falls, in beautiful Niagara Falls, New York.

This year’s Conference continues to promise you and your students a wonderful opportunity to:

  • Share/Present research (Oral and Poster formats)
  • Participate in workshops
  • Meet and Mingle with fellow attendees at our “Let’s Get to Know Each Other” ice breaker/mixer event
  • Attend a graduate school visit at the University at Buffalo’s three campuses, as well other affiliated research facilities
  • Enjoy and Interact with inspirational speakers and panels
  • Survey a large number of graduate schools, from across the nation, at our Graduate School Opportunities Fair, and
  • Experience the culture and beauty of the Niagara Falls area including opportunities to visit area attractions
More information about this exciting conference will be forthcoming and can be found at:  

We look forward to welcoming you to our Conference in July!

Susan J. Ott, Ph.D.
McNair Scholars Program
University at Buffalo
220 Norton Hall
Buffalo, New York 14260-1800
Phone: 716-645-5479
Fax: 716-645-5480

2012 University of Maryland McNair Conference

13th Annual National McNair and Undergraduate Research Conference

Student Research Proposals
We are very excited that we are receiving student research presentation proposals! Every student who attends the Conference is invited and encouraged to present his or her original research. For more information, or to submit a proposal, please click here. The deadline to submit a presentation proposal is February 1, 2012!
Last year, more than 100 students presented their research. You can see pictures of their posters and presentations at our photo archive.

Conference Agenda Updates
More speakers and workshops have been added to the 2012 UMD McNair Conference Agenda:
§  How to Make the Right Decision About Graduate School
§  Leader of the Pac: Writing Your Best Personal Statement
§  GRE Tricks and Tips: How to Achieve the Best GRE Score
§  Fellowships Please!: How to Finance Graduate School
More speakers and panelists will be announced between today and the Conference; if you know someone who would like to receive these news and updates, please encourage them to sign up for this mailing list.

General Registration Deadline!
Registration for the 2012 University of Maryland--College Park National McNair and Undergraduate Research Conference (March 15-18, 2012) is still available, but the general registration rate will be ending soon (February 15th)! This deadline also applies to research presentation proposals in order to be included in the Conference Proceedings Book.
After February 15th, registrants will be charged the late registration rate ($450 per person). The group discount (programs that register more than 9 students in the same calendar day get the tenth registrant free) will also expire on February 15th.
To see more details, and to register, please click here. To submit a research presentation proposal, please click here.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Terri Wright at or 301-405-4749.

Weber State's National Conference for Undergraduate Research

Weber State University is pleased to host NCUR 2012 to be held Thursday March 29th - Saturday March 31st, 2012.


Registration opens January 6th, 2012. Register for the Conference.
Please note: Registration will be unavailable February 2 from 5 to 11 a.m. MST due to system upgrades.


The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) promotes undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity in all fields of study.

The annual conference gives undergraduate scholars in all fields and from all types of institutions of higher learning a forum to share the results of their work through posters, presentations, performances and works of art.

Join us in a celebration of undergraduate achievement and excellence!

14th Annual Texas National McNair Scholars Research Conference

February 17-19, 2012

Registration Information

Registration Costs:
Scholars and McNair Staff- $200 (includes all meals from Friday evening until Sunday morning and conference materials).
Graduate School Representatives- $125 (fair only) or $225 (Entire Conference- includes all meals from Friday evening until Sunday morning and conference materials).
Click on the following links for the form you may need: