Monday, August 6, 2012

2012 Graduate School Retreat

Conference information and registration is now available for the WAEOPP annual McNair and SSS Retreat at the Chula Vista Resort in the Wisconsin Dells, WI!  Dates for the Retreat are Friday evening, September 28 through Saturday, September 29.  
Don Asher, the nationally recognized authority on the graduate school admissions process, will be conducting the retreat.  The two-day intensive seminar is designed to jump start McNair and Student Support Services students’ graduate school application process.  All McNair and SSS students are invited to participate in the retreat.    
Registration is $170.00 per person.  The fee includes all of the meals and materials during the retreat.  The conference agenda and registration form are attached.  The materials will be available on the WAEOPP website in the very near future.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact: Nancy Harrison, Registration Chair, Student Support Services, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.  
The conference committee hopes to see you and your students at Chula Vista in September!
Nancy Harrison
Director, Student Support Services (SSS)
          A TRiO Program
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
phone:  920-424-1310