The University of Pennsylvania is very pleased to announce the first Ivy+ STEM Symposium and Workshops for Diverse Scholars. Please see below.
October 4-6, 2012
Philadelphia, PA
Attracting a diverse pool of talented students interested in graduate study in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields is a national priority and a shared institutional goal among the nation’s leading universities. This first ever “Ivy +” STEM symposium for college students from underrepresented groups is a two-day program with more than a dozen faculty panels presenting on emerging fields, workshops with graduate admissions and financial aid staff, a juried poster session, and more. The sponsoring institutions are particularly interested in attracting high-achieving McNair Scholars. Additional information will follow soon, but in the meantime, please mark your calendar and save these dates: October 4-6, 2012.
Hosted by the University of Pennsylvania with co-sponsoring graduate schools:
Brown University
Columbia University
Cornell University
Harvard University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Princeton University
Stanford University
University of Chicago
Yale University
Robert E. Lane, Ph.D.
McNair Scholars Program
VPUL, Equity and Access Programs
University of Pennsylvania
220 South 40th Street, Suite 240
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3512
Phone: 215-898-3115
Fax: 215-898-3684