Thursday, January 6, 2011


Engage in Research. Following their first year in the program, students participate in the McNair Summer Research Experience during which they conduct individual research projects, under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Quality research projects provide a realistic picture of graduate school scholarship, while also preparing students for the doctoral school climate.
Develop and deliver professional research presentations. McNair Scholars present their research at selected research symposia. In addition, students have the opportunity to travel to professional conferences nationwide and to network with faculty and graduate students through membership in professional organizations.
Attend graduate school preparation seminars and workshops. Students must attend graduate school seminars and/or workshops that focus on specific topics related to the graduate school application process, including how to identify graduate programs that “fit” their needs and interests, preparing for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), and how to navigate graduate school.
Visit graduate schools and meet with graduate faculty members.  Students can receive funding for travel to graduate schools to learn more about the institution and department as they make their final decision.

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